Professional Perimeter Security

Effective perimeter security is crucial for preventing unauthorised access to properties. ZAM FM Ltd offers a range of solutions designed to protect property boundaries:

Perimeter Protection

Comprehensive systems to prevent unauthorised encampments and intrusions.

Perimeter Protection

Access Control Solutions

Ensuring only authorised individuals can access the property through advanced control systems.

Intrusion Detection

State-of-the-art systems that detect and alert to any unauthorised intrusions.


Durable and reliable fencing solutions to secure property boundaries.

IP CCTV Security

High-definition surveillance systems that transmit audio and video data to security personnel for real-time monitoring and response.

IP CCTV Security

ANPR Systems

Automatic Number Plate Recognition systems that automate building access and manage car park security.

Visitor Management Systems

Digital solutions that streamline visitor verification, registration, and the issuance of photo ID badges.

Visitor Management Systems

PID Security Systems

Perimeter Intrusion Detection systems that use geofencing technology to monitor and alert to any perimeter breaches.